Lakshyaa was Knowledge Partner of Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region for CSR Roundtable: Leveraging CSR for Accelerating SDGs in the North-Eastern Region, on 15 February 2024 held at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi.

Nikhil Pant (Founder, Lakshyaa) presented the CSR Analysis, Context Setting: Status on NE Region CSR and Philanthropic Investment and Gaps.
This was followed by the presentations from all Northeast States.
Case Studies by Private, Public Sector Companies and NGOs like IIFL (India Infoline Group) Foundation by its Director Madhu Jain, SBI Foundation by Aman Bhaiya, Skill Council for Persons with Disability by Ravindra Singh, ITC Limited by L. Prabhakar, North Eastern Electric Power Corporation (Neepco), Shishu Sarothi, TotalStart Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Developers were presented and much appreciated by MDoNER and MCA.
A primary key learning that came out of Shri. Inder Deep Singh Dhariwal - Joint Secretary Ministry Of Corporate Affairs remarks is that a single CSR window can be created at MDoNER to facilitate compliant and impactful projects in Northeast.

Other key learnings that came out of remarks from Shri Chanchal Kumar, Secretary, MDoNER, Smt. Anuradha S. Chagti - Joint Secretary, MDoNER, and Shri. Inder Deep Singh Dhariwal - Joint Secretary MCA, and other sessions to be shared by Lakshyaa in a detailed outcome document soon.