Nikhil Pant of Lakshyaa team engaged and interacted with young entrepreneurs, NGO founders, e-cell faculty, team Invest India representing Government of India and senior officers from Government of Meghalaya and PRIME Entrepreneurship Meghalaya at Shillong on 15th November 2022. This was an intensive, daylong session followed by series of capacity building initiatives.
The North East as we all know has not received it’s due share of CSR investments since 2014 when the legislation happened. Many youngsters are keen to understand how they can leverage CSR to fund their projects and solve the burning issues in the region.
Mr. Nikhil Pant closely interacted with the youth, explained core concepts of Section 135, Companies Act, 2013 on CSR and most importantly guided them on how to develop compliant, impactful CSR proposals. Live cases on the ground, and some models that can be eligible for CSR were also taken up as part of the discussion.
There is a lot of need in this region, the youth are enterprising and the Government is very supportive…please do come forward, visit the area and find ways to collaborate. The CSR legislation is meant to bridge the gaps in development and it’s time we really bucked up on this!